For me is something magical about standing in the rain and letting land on the skin. Such an amazing feeling but not so nice if heavy rain! Here's hoping the UK gets more rain soon too as we having a drought currently!
Drip, Drop. |
1 Hundred. Drunk AF. Violet (Comes in Pink, Tangerine, Black, Cherry, Fuchsia, Lime, Navy, was originally found at WIP in Jul 2021; now available in mainstore)
Wasabi // Sunday FLF Ed. Hair - Absolute Pack
LUCCI. Plastic Fantastic Lipgloss - [LelEvo/X]
Veechi - Vivid Astro Liner Evo X HD
e.marie // Tanya Earrings - Silvers
SYNNERGY//Neighborhood Backdrop
Focus Poses. Under my umbrella