written by MrsSeren Resident

Merry Christmas Everyone; Cheers!

Merry Christmas everyone, may all my readers have a wonderful Christmas or whatever you celebrate!  I see you all in 2021 at some point with more posts and pictures!

Christmas Cheer


FOXCITY Bento Ground Sits Vol1 (Pose used: GSits VOL1-4)

Focus Poses White Christmas Backdrop

Doux Rain Hairstyle

Sass Perla Dress & Heels (Mainstore Release)

:::ChicChica::: Raspberry Chammy


Gotta Gacha Them All!

For a limited time (as they will retire this set) at the DFS main store, they brought back the DFS Lil Farm Gacha Series #1 (it is purely decor), which includes: 

  • Cow, Haybales, 
  • Kitty (Calico), 
  • Windmill (the windmill is rare), 
  • Cow (Black & White), 
  • Paca (Dark), 
  • Pumpkin Plant, 
  • Scarecrow, 
  • Horse (White), 
  • Tree Copse A.

So grab these cuties whilst you can! This how I set them up and don't they look adorable and cute?

Gonna Gacha, one or another


I'm NOT Kidding... I'm Stuck

DFS has released some fun Christmas themed items (the items you can see in my collage picture) at the Christmas Expo, which are:
  • DFS Christmas Chimney Dive 2020
  • DFS Christmas Field Mailbox 2020
  • DFS Stuffie - Krissy the Christmas Calf (Exclusive to the event)
  • DFS Xmas 2020 Goat - Male - Jolly
  • DFS Xmas 2020 Goat - Female - Holly
The event officially opened on the 4th Dec, closes on the 13th Dec 2020 and so grab whilst you can! Please note the mailbox and chimney dive only have 30 uses.



Time for Giving

Christmas is slowly approaching, not about the presents for me but I like to give back if I can and in a few days I'm donating blood in real life.  I wish all my readers a happy holiday as I know not everyone celebrates Christmas.


sass [queen] jeans, top, shoes (Mainstore Release; 25% off)

Diversion - My Gift Poses

*Booty's Beauty* Catwa Eyeshadow ~ Glitter Bomb ~ BOM Updated

Izzie's - Bonfire Bash Lipstick (Catwa HDPRO & Omega)

Exile - Yvette


Got Neve On The Mind

First of all, I want to say big thank you to Sneak (my wife in Second Life) for the title as honestly I was struggling to think of something so thank you love!

Ack! I'm late


sass [neve] set 1 (Energy Weekend; 21st Nov to 22nd Nov 2020)

Veechi - Balsam Shadow

[MJN] Sugar & Spice

Doux - Rose hairstyle (Equal10; 10th Nov to 5th Dec 2020)

FOXCITY. On The Go Bento Pose Set

FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Underground


Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving is coming to those in the USA but happy belated Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers, as I'm from the UK I don't celebrate however thankful for my close friends, family and good health.

DFS has released Turkeys, DFS Butcher's Table - Rustic plus two new recipes which are DFS Corned Beef & DFS Corned Beef & Cabbage Plate.

Feeding Time

To make DFS Corned Beef:

You will need a DFS Butcher's Table, the numbers are the numbered slots; they go on your DFS Hud, not the amount and takes 5 minutes to make plus the following ingredients as outlined below. 

The DFS Corned Beef, when made, provides for 1 Use - 25 EXP/use 1 - XP.

  • 1 DFS Beef Carcass
  • 2 Salt Mill
  • 3 DFS Sugar
  • 4 DFS Herb
  • 5 Water Bucket
To Make DFS Corned Beef & Cabbage Plate:

You will need DFS Prep Table the numbers are the numbered slots; they go on your DFS Hud, not the amount and takes 30 minutes to make plus the following ingredients as outlined below. The DFS Corned Beef & Cabbage Plate, when made, provides for 1 use - 60 EXP/use - 1 XP.
  • 1 DFS Corned Beef & Cabbage Platter
  • 2 DFS Dinner Rolls


Please, Mind The Gap!

The title is a reference to what is said on the tannoy at London Underground, as you see from the photo I'm on backdrop similar to that and been to London to many times to count however I do enjoy my trips to London when I been there.

Mind the doors

sass Imani Pants Set 2 (Mainstore Release)

sass Imani Top (Mainstore Release)

{Limerence} Phyllis hair-Colour Ombre (Cosmopolitan; 2nd Nov to 14th Nov 2020)

*Booty's Beauty*  [Catwa & BOM] Promise Eyeshadow

*Booty's Beauty* Catwa Lipstick ~ Shine Tint ~ BOM Updated!

FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Destination:London

FOXCITY. The Tube Bento Set-4

:Fusion: Spiked Silver Hoop Earrings (MP store only)

Ascendant - Spiked Nails 01


Lost Neko

Halloween is closing in on us once again, and can my readers help me I think I got lost so like, help?  Anyway; I still haven't decided on my costume as that always the hardest bit, considering how much I adore cosplay.



Wasabi // Midnight Mesh Hair - All colors (Satan Inc; 13th Oct to 2nd Nov 2020)
sass [helga] dress (Energy Weekend; 24th to 26th Oct 2020)
sass [helga] boots (Energy Weekend; 24th to 26th Oct 2020)
[Bad Unicorn] Freetown Forest Backdrop (Collabor88; 8th Oct to 6th Nov 2020)
:LW: Bento Poses - The Only
Maddict - Maddy Socks - Fatpack


Happy Birthday DFS!!

Happy Birthday, DFS, you are now officially 4 years old within second life!!! Sneak and I wish you many years on the grid as we do both enjoy our little patch of heaven aka our farm.

We both celebrating with you whilst showing off your special birthday goodies (as seen in the picture below); which are, DFS Stove - BBQ Grill (Aqua), DFS Butcher Table - Rustic, DFS Stove - Waffle Iron (Aqua), DFS Water Field - Smart Pot (can plant: sugarcane, rice, and cranberry) and lastly, DFS Dirt Field - Smart Pot (can plant the usual fruit and veggies but not cranberries as they go in the water field).

All the goodies as stated are available at Digital Farm System's 4th Birthday Bash (DFS4BB); from the 21st October to 28th October 2020 and don't miss out!

DFS is now 4 Years Old.


Gimme Candy

Halloween is fast approaching, so if you do go trick or treating this year then please stay safe and most of all; healthy!



sass [dahlia] (includes socks & shoes); Hallow Manor 16th Oct to 1st Nov 2020)

Paparazzi - BACKDROP - Salem Street

.::Hazeel::.  Trick or Treat ~Bento Pose

{Limerence} Kendra hair-Fatpack

Cae:: Bat:: Necklace

Veechi - Balsam Shadow [BOM]

Avada~ Temptress Lipstick for Catwa (comes with BOM layers)


Pretty in Pink

I will first admit I'm not a big fan of this shade of pink but I actually like this outfit so go figure!  Another one available as part of Out Shop Cancer; it worth checking out the different designers and their creations as a worthy cause.

I visited the sim: Pegasoi for this photo though you can rez on here but mind the tenants as are people who have property on this and as always CLEAR UP after you rezzed your item! 

Feeling pretty!


Steel & Ink Warrior in Pink

{Limerence} Silvia hair-Naturals (Fameshed; 1st Oct to 27th Oct 2020)

.::Hazeel::. Autumn tree ~Bento Pose~

Sweet Thing. OMG Fuzzy Socks - No Ears


Hope For A Cure

Another entry devoted to Out Shop Cancer, yes I deliberately photobombed the shoot though I feature the outfit in another entry soon!



Seren ;)
*RC* Fireplace
SC: Outshop Cancer Strong Tree Package
.: Short Leash:. Good Vibes Tapestry - BCA Version
[Bad Unicorn] Penthouse - Interior Backdrops-
{COH} Shabby Chic Set
JIAN Jack Russel Terrier


Fight Like A Girl

Another entry dedicated to Think Pink, Out Shop Cancer and I just want to thank my beautiful, lovely wife for assisting me in this photo!



FoxCity Midnight Madness (with Pillow Prop)

FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Dreaming 

Persefona Floating Pillow Feathers

~SWD~ Mary's Wardrobe (Out Shop Cancer; 1st Oct to 31st Oct 2020)

{Limerence} Vilda hair-Naturals (Level Event; 1st Oct to 24th Oct 2020)



Hubble Bubble!!

DFS has released some new goodies for October; 2 new recipes (DFS Brewery Apple Ale Keg 2020 and DFS PD Cake - Apple And Pear Tart With Cranberries - contains slices) and DFS Cauldron - Dye Pot; which you can use to dye your wool as well as make new wool and the dye pot works same as a cauldron.

Here are the 2 new recipes as follows with all EP info too.

To Make: DFS Brewery Apple Ale Keg 2020 

DFS Fermenter is required

Slots on crafting on your DFS hud

1 - DFS Ground Cinnamon
3 - DFS Herbs
4 - DFS Beer Keg 2020
6 - DFS Beer Keg 2020
7 - DFS Sugar
8 - DFS Water Bucket 
Time 48:00:00 with 4 uses; 40 EP/use - 1 XP

and finally; To make DFS PD Cake - Apple And Pear Tart With Cranberries.

DFS Oven Required
Slots on crafting on your DFS hud
1 - DFS Pie Crust
2 - DFS Pear Basket
3 - DFS Apple Basket
4 - DFS Lemon Wedges
5 - DFS Cranberry Basket
6 - DFS Sugar
7 - DFS Butter
8 - DFS Cinnamon Basket
9 - DFS Herb
Time: 00:10:00 with 6 uses - 13/EP/use - 1xp

Save The Tatas!!

It that time again where it think pink for October and I do my entries for Out Shop Cancer!!  Remember folks; any GENDER can be affected breast cancer so if something don't feel right then get it checked!!!

Big/Small; save them all!

Blasphemic - Save The Rack Pasties (Out Shop Cancer; 1st Oct to 31st Oct 2020)
DOUX - Rain hairstyle
Erratic / cosette - lingerie / fuschia SET
FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Teese (Tres Chic; 17th Sept to 10th Oct 2020)
FOXCITY. Teese Bento Pose Set (Tres Chic; 17th Sept to 10th Oct 2020)
SpookShow - Poison Lips
Izzie's - Gloom Eyeshadows (Gift)


Flying By

My first official blog entry for DFS (Digital Farm System) and I am showing off their exclusive items for SOS (Spoonful of Sugar) which opened on the 5th Sept and is open till the 20th Sept 2020.  The 3 exclusive items are: DFS Magic Carpet (wear), DFS Stuffie - Arabia the Arabian Horse and DFS Stuffie - Sugar the Unicorn.


Hello; it's me.

This blog entry was me inspired by Adele song; Hello hence the title as a lyric is from the said song and the song in question is linked further down in my blog. Adele is one of my fave female UK pop singers, she also did James Bond theme to Skyfall which also called Skyfall so she worth a listen to.

Hello from the other side.


sass [zada] dress (Energy Weekend; 11th Sept to 13th Sept 2020)

FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Dreaming 

Lavish / Let's Go Back To Vintage / Blue (Equal10; 10th Sept to 5th Oct 2020)

[MJN] Groovy Gal Shadow {CATWA}

[MJN] Make It Glitter {CATWA}

DOUX - Olga hairstyle (Equal10; 10th Sept to 5th Oct 2020)

DP - Koffin Nails - Shattered Dreams

Song credit:


New Sponsors Annoucement

Just quick entry to announce to 2 new sponsors to Katnip Times blog; DFS (Digital Farm System) and Out Shop Cancer, which is a charity event and raises money for Breast Cancer charities.

So please give warm welcome to DFS & Out Shop Cancer to my blog!  Further info about both sponsors is found in the hyperlinks.


Afternoon Tea for 2

Sneak (my lovely wife) and I very much adore shopping at various events in SL or even just going to a store to see what we can find, the picture below is of pair of us relaxing with afternoon tea (a British classic and teaching her more British slang as some amuse her) post-shopping trip and I shall explain what we both wearing in the photo.

Ahhh, nothing like a brew,

Seren; on the right:

sass [yazmin] top & jeans (Found at Pretty which was Anybody; 7th Sept to 30th Sept 2020) 

Fri. - Fleur Platforms (Cornflower)

*AvaWay* ZODIAC SIGNS Necklaces Set (Fameshed; 1st Sept to 27th Sept 2020)

DOUX - Kash Hairstyle 

Sneak; on the left:

!PCP :: Brandi Sweater, Skirt & Boots
DOUX - Sasha Hairstyle

Scene Info:

K&S - // Cosy Cafe. 1. Backdrop 
Nutmeg. French Cafe Teapot
:CP: Molly's Tea Party Afternoon Tea Stand (CP aka Cheeky Pea)
inVerse® MESH -PAPER SHOPPING BAG #1 full permission

1 Last Summer Adventure

I went paragliding around The Coasters Club; well I pretended to for the photo though is a tram you can catch on the sim and apparently is bikes you can rez if you want to bike ride.  You just might get bit wet as it raining however still pretty little sim to explore.



brocante. paraglider gacha / red

sass [xandria] sandals set 1, sass [xandria] coverslip set 1 & sass [xandria] bikini set 1 (All part of Energy Weekend; 29th to 30th Aug 2020)

DOUX - Bloodline hairstyle


Wish You Were Here

I'm sure we all missed having a summer holiday or a holiday in general, I would love to be able to get away somewhere for a few days however glad is many pretty sims in Second Life for me to explore so kinda can get away from it all.



[MJN] Diamonds are a Girls Best friend Gloss {CATWA}

Veechi - Sunburnt Nose [Catwa]

Izzie's - Neon Liner Eye Make-Up (Catwa)

sass [vonnie] dress set 2

Wasabi // Sora Mesh Hair - Basics

(NO) Art Nails - Beach Charms

FOXCITY. Pampered Bento Pose Set

FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Bali


Under the Stars

I'm paying to homage one of my many fond holidays of camping I had growing up around the UK, not that I had smores often but did once however truth be told I found too sickly sweet; lol! 

sass [wrylie] set 2 (Found at Anybody; 7th Aug to 30th Aug 2020)
CULT : Lyric Heels
{Limerence} Kendra hair (fatpack worn)
Amitie Campfire Pack 
Sim Visited: Free Spirit Farms

Feeling Fishy

As most readers should know by now and if you don't then you do now; that I love and adore cosplay whether in SL or Real Life though the latter I don't do often due to lack of funds and/or sewing skills! LOL


Izzie's - Mermaid Make-Up Set
Izzie's - Body Mermaid Scales
sass [tatia] cosplay (Found at Aenigma; 23rd Jul to 15th Aug 2020)
Wasabi // Finley Mesh Hair - Basics (Found at Uber; 25th Jul to 22nd Jul 2020)
[R] Elspeth - Fantasy Tone Duo - Airlea & Neria (Neria has worn; MP only as closing down so not sure if MP store will stay)
Liquid ~ Purple Vamp ~ Catwa Eye Applier HUD (MP only)
*FN* Mermaid Pinup Pose + Rock (MP only but no customer service)


Neko VS Dog

I went back to Cann!bal for this photo as such a pretty beach sim and easily on par with Baja sims for pretty beach sims if you ask me.

I just thought too silly with this picture with age-old of the theme of cats vs dogs but instead, a Neko vs dog though seriously I love both cats and dogs in life however cats have a slight edge for me!

No, my BALL ya daft MUTT

Wasabi // Mer Mesh Hair (Essentials Pack as worn in photo)
sass [oceana] bikini & overlay (Summer Camp; 9th Jul to 31st Jul 2020)
Izzie's - Sandy Feet & Legs
AX Poses - Having a Great Day (Le Vie En Pose; 10th July to 25th July 2020)

Summer Nights

Nothing like a nice cocktail on a boat as you relax as you chauffeured about and I rezzed the backdrop at home so no pretty sim involved this time.

Blissful Moment


Focus. Welcome Aboard (pose #2 used for the shot; At time of posting: found currently at July 2020 Round of Access; July 12th to 8th Aug)
Focus. Summer Boat (At time of posting: found currently at July 2020 Round of Access; July 12th to 8th Aug))
DOUX - Dua hairstyle (At time of posting: found currently at July 2020 Round of Equal10; July 10th to 5th Aug)
sass [rebecca] bikini set 2 (Mainstore Release)
REIGN.- ISSA MACRAME SANDALS - FATPACK (At time of posting: found currently at July 2020 Round of Collarbor88; 8th July to 5th Aug)


Splish, Splash, Splosh


Happy belated happy 4th July to my friends and readers in the USA, hope everyone who is currently having summer is having a good one and keeping cool and hydrated!!

Just chilling

BLAXIUM - Holographic Body Shine
Pacagaia Poses - It's time to relax
[Focus Poses] Summer Nights Pool Backdrop
TRUTH / Rumor Fatpack
sass [mary] swimsuit set 1

Neon Fever

I am very much a child of the 80s being born in the 80s so when Sass told me she was making this, she knew I would love it which I do and showed off in my fave colour; Blue if not obvious; lol.

Collage as made by me

NaaNaa's Bounty Turquoise
sass [frankie] accessories (found at Vintage Fair; runs from 12th Jun to 22nd Jun 2020)
sass [frankie] set (found at Vintage Fair; runs from 12th Jun to 22nd Jun 2020; cam sim)
*{( konpeitou )}* NEON-sunglasses (BLUE) (konpeitou is now known, Insomnia Angel)
Astrology: What's Good Kelly (Astrology is now known Alice Project)
Ascendant - Neon Lights Nails 07
Garbaggio // Mary Pumps RARE
!PCP :: Hazel Stripe Socks [FATPACK]
Paparazzi - 80s Dance Studio BACKDROP
Secret Poses - Posing and Dancing (Pose #2 used for photos)
Blaxium - Holographic Body Shine
#Adored - diamond crush lips - ruby rodd edition {catwa}

I scream, You Scream for.....

I'm pretty sure most folk love ice cream unless you can't eat it then maybe not on loving ice cream.  I visited my friend; Kristi's sim: LaZy DaZe Surf Beach and if you join the group you can rez but please make sure to clean up after yourself as it bad manners to leave your mess behind!!



[Focus Poses] Ice Cream Truck
Focus. Ice Cream Solves Everything Vol 1/ pose 6
~Shiny Stuffs~ Totally 80s CATWA Applier
Izzie's - 80's Rainbow Bangles +80's Headband 
[bubble] Glow Hoop Earring 
sass [jianna] swimsuit set 2
Alice Project Hi Sabrina Fatpack
Ascendant - Neon Lights Nails 01


I Bleed Blue

I have to admit Cyberpunk is one of my loves for a look in SL as it is bright, loud and cheerful with an element of punk and 80s thrown together.

🎶 Blue is the colour of all that I wear 🎶

Dark Passions - Nail & Makeup Appliers - Cyber Goth
~Shiny Stuffs~ Fraking Neon CATWA Appliers
~Shiny Stuffs~ CATWA Here Comes Trouble 
[BH9] - Cyber City 2077 V2
Secret Poses - Hover Bike
:::insanya::: BeltSkirt Solid
A&Y Cyber Ghost hair (Female) - Blue
*CK* Cyber punk boots high MAITREYA
- TRIGGERED - Cyber Kitty Ears (Cyan)
*NW* Cyber Arm Teal
:: ANTAYA :: Broken android arms


Road to Nowhere

Today's sim I went to was Cannb!al; I went to the desert one: Oasis though they do have a beach which I check out another day as more to find and explore.

Stranded again...

Outfit: Spark (Envious)
Hair: Samira Hair - Ombres (Runaway)
Lipstick: Holo Metallic Lipstick -Catwa (Izzie's)
Eyeshadow: 70's Punk Makeup - Catwa (Zombie Suicide)
Pose: Escape #3 (Diversion; Access 12th May to 8th June 2020)


This Last Time You HURT ME!

When I saw the scene where Harley is throwing darts at a picture of the Joker; I wanted to do my own slant on her wanting to hurt Joker as I could totally see her resorting to voodoo so here is my slant on Harley getting her revenge.

Joke's on YOU!


Hair: Harley Hair Ombres & Roots (RA aka Runaway)
Pants: Trissy Leggings (Envious)
Top: Midnight Spirit (After Midnight Fashion; The Darkness Event 5th May to 31st May))
Nails: Bloody Murder (Dark Passions - Koffin Nails)
Makeup: Bad Day; Catwa (Shiny Stuffs)
Pose: You Said... Forever (XTC Poses)
Backdrop: Redrum Backdrop (Bad Unicorn)


Gym Kitteh

I like to try to keep fit but I'm not the fittest person out there but I have fun trying and it is important to keep fit as well as a balanced diet. I'm not sure if the sim I visited for my photo is open to the public however I did not get ejected so I won't link to be safe though you can message me for lm.

Whew, gotta work on my cardio

Hair: Scout; Fatpack (Truth)
Outfit: Briggs (Sass; Mainstore Release)
Socks: Alice (Vagrant; N21 Apr 21st to 12th May 2020)
"Sweat" aka Waterdrops: Body & Face Waterdrops (Izzie's)

Rollin' On

Back to rolling skating but so many pretty sims you can visit, today I chose Soul2Soul Mediterranean and worth a look around whether on blades/skates/foot.

Rollin' Ever On

Miss United Skates-4 (FoxCity)
Valkyrie outfit (Sass; Suicide Dollz 12th Apr - 30th Apr 2020)
Front Blow; Redheads (Tableau Vivant; Past Gacha)
Remy Kneepads (Miss Chelsea)
{Gacha} SK8_Flashback to the '80s; 4 (Atomic; Past Gacha)

Eating for 2

So up until recently, I was pregnant with wife's child which I was excited about since writing this entry I have given birth (I had a little boy; named Luka Adam) so I took this picture whilst I was craving a cupcake and to be fair baby gets what he makes his mama crave; lol.

Nahm Nahm

Outfit: Wanita; top and knickers (Sass, Mainstore release)
Pose: The Cupcake Is Mine (*MB* Poses; MP only)
Hair: Marry; Reds (Limerence; Spring Flair 9th Apr to 30th Apr 2020)

April Evening Showers


Been busy with RL; finding love and happiness in SL then having sad news about a friend in SL who since made a recovery which was a relief so took step back from blog however I'm back to writing again so the inspiration from this came from April Showers and I love watching rainy evening from my bedroom window in real life so this my interpretation of that.

Wet Evening

Rosalie; (Sass; Mainstore)
Raincheck; (Diversion Poses; The Liaison Collaborative - 3rd Apr to 26th Apr)
Citylife; (Foxcity; Mainstore)
Sins; (Doux; Level Event - 1st Apr to 24th Apr)


Hello Spring

Spring is fighting her away to arrive, as when I go out on my travels to places I need to do real life, I see snowdrops, crocuses and other pretty flowers.

One of my fave all-time sims in Second Life has to be Calas Galadhon because it was available all year round and they always make it seasonal so when I saw these pretty flowers around the greenhouse, I made to make a pit stop and admire everything else around me.


Hair: Payson/ Dakota Set - All Tones and one in a shot is Dakota (Besom; Fifty Linden Friday 13th March 2020 - FLF for future entries)
Dress: Natasha (Sass, Anybody 7th Mar to 30th Mar 2020)
Shoes: Snooki Wedges (Gos)
Sunglasses: Techno Glasses (Aurealis)

The Next Big Adventure

I love going off on adventures whether it be here in SL by exploring various sims or going off somewhere new to explore in life though the latter is now harder to do with what happening in the real world one day I will go off and explore again; just temporarily on hold but me in sl; I can go off and explore all I want.

Where to next?


Pose: High Flyer-3m (FoxCity)
Backdrop: Flight Club - Night (FoxCity)
Lipstick: Foxy (MJN)
Eyeshadow: Vegas Nights (MJN; E-Bento 11th Mar to 29th Mar 2020)
Outfit: Party Crush (Envious; Whore Couture Fair 1st Mar to 31st Mar 2020)
Hair: Sierra (Exile; Collabor88 8th Mar to 6th Apr 2020)
Nail Polish: Festival Polish - Maitreya (ZOZ)
Body: Lara (Maitreya)
Head: Kathy (Catwa)

Love Bites...OUCH!

Clint and I went off exploring New Babbage again but I think he got bit peckish and wanted a little nibble or two like ouch; love my friend; Clint really but DUDE; Seren not for being bitey with!

Owwwie!! *sad-face*

Hair: Sabrina - Reds (Wasabi)
Outfit: Luscious (Sass; Whore Couture Fair 1st March to 31st Mar 2020)
Pose: Love Bite (Sam Poses)

Bread, Milk, Eggs... What I Forget??

I'm sure we all can identify with this, we do much-needed grocery shopping and we get near checkout to pay for stuff then realise is likely something we forget.

Hmm.; do I need more catnip or not?

Pose: Grocery Basket; Basket 2 (Secret Poses)
Hair: Cupid - Reds (#Foxy, Kustom9 15th Feb to 10th Mar)
Outfit: Kitty (Sass, Aenigma 23rd Feb to 15th Mar)

Bella Italia

The one place I would love go to among many other places in the world is Italy so when I found this beautiful sim called Basilique; which made me think of Italy and it was so beautiful hence the title of my blog; Bella Italia and any Italians reader; then please correct me if I used wrongly - thanks.

In other news I gave Seren; a bit of a makeover on Monday as a purchased new body and head skin however I kept my freckles because I love my freckles and I would miss them; I got two tones a paler version as well as tanned version though I'm wearing tanned version in my picture you can see the tan better in my seren base page.


Top & Skirt: Imelda (Sass, Suicide Dollz 9th Feb to 22nd Feb 2020)
Hair: Taren - Reds (Truth)
Sunglasses: Vogue (KC Couture)
Shoes: Stacey Wedges (Reign; Past Luxe Box Group Gift)
Body Skin: *Appliers* for Maitreya Bodies - FR Mixedtype (DeeTalez)
Head Skin: *Appliers* CATWA Head "Heidi" Mixedtype (DeeTalez)

Clothing Dilemmas

I'm sure every girl or woman can identify with this whether it in second life or real life; you find a top you love but not sure what to put with it on the bottom half.  Or any outfit; because I'm sure we all had a clothing dilemma once or even half a dozen times.

So many options... what do I wear??

Top: Gabby V2 (Sass, Mainstore Release with 25% off for a moment)
Shorts: Melody - Light Gray (Salt & Pepper)
Hair: Alesia (eXxEsS)
Eyeshadow: Kohl - Catwa (alaskametro<3)
Lipstick: Foxy - Catwa (MJN)
Pose: Fashion Pose 026 (Apple Spice)
Backdrop: Her Dressing Room (Cosmic Dust)

P.S. If your curious what whole scene looked like then the picture is below.  Since previous entries using Apple Spice Poses; I actually found their store in the world so I actually link that for once; LOL!


How Do I Look?

This entry just pokes fun at something I heard and saw on the bus; was this girl doing a video call using her phone and she asked how do I look? Which amused me no end but at the same time I get if she was going to something like a job interview and needed an opinion so yeah I see the humour and legit reasons why she would feel need to ask.

I found a pretty sim called Alba Mountains which reminded me very much of the villages around Scotland when I been on my holidays round there as well as some English villages; some places are people's homes so just warning you to be cautious though having said all that; still beautiful rural style sim.

Say; Catnip!

Hair: Bloodline (Doux)
Outfit: Harper (Sass; Anybody with 25% off for the duration of the event; 7th Feb to 29th Feb 2020)
Pose: Selfie VOL3-1 -Fatpack exclusive (FoxCity)

If there are no ups and downs in your life, then you're not living!

I read this somewhere quite a while back however I liked how it had echo and ring truth to those words because life does have up and down moments and those moments are what make up your life.

I had my up and down moments; I wouldn't trade them for anything because it what me who I am now.

Life goes and moves ever on

Outfit: Fawn (Sass, Crush 24th Jan to 20th Feb 2020; 10% off duration of the event)
Hair: Jagoda; Reds (Wasabi; Uber 24th Jan to 22nd Feb 2020)
Earrings: Earrings Twinkle (.:Joplino:.)
Eyeshadow: Serenity; Catwa (Veechi)
Lipstick: Nymph Lips Set; Catwa & Omega (Dazed)
Pose: Stairs (Sitting)-2 (For Flat Feet) (FoxCity)
Backdrop: Heartbeat4 (Paparazzi)

Other Useful Info

G'Morning World!!

I will be the first to admit I am not the greatest morning person till I had at least 2 cups of tea; not to good with eating breakfast unless its something that requires me to need the energy to eat breakfast otherwise I don't bother.

Nothing beats the first cup of tea

Body: Maitreya Lara (Maitreya)
Head: Catwa Kathy (Catwa)
Outfit: Strong (Envious)
Hair: Mishi (Doux)
Lipstick: Exalted Lips - Sex Pot Edition (Adored)
Backdrop: Escape (FoxCity)
Pose: Early Morning Bento Pose (FoxCity)


Just Waiting

I am super familiar in my real life for waiting around for a bus as where I live in life, they can be late but at least I have a bus service!!  I thought to be funny and cute to pose to look like that I am waiting for a bus.

Hurry Up BUS!

Outfit: Aileen (Sass; Anybody 7th Jan to 30th Jan 2020; 10% off all pieces for the duration of the event)
Hair: Kat (Exile; Collabor88 8th Jan to 6th Feb 2020)
Pose: I Will Travel includes suitcase (Shi S Poses)
Backdrops: Urban Bus Style [Grunge] (Serenity Style) and #wall graffiti (Ninety; Past Access Group Gift)

Further Useful Notes:

Collabor88 Cam Sim 1
Collabor88 Cam Sim 2
Access Cam Sim


Ringing in 2020

We are now in 2020; I wish all my readers a very Happy New Year and hope that 2020 brings what they want.

I have not made any resolutions because I never bother; lol! However don't you think 2019 went by super quick?

Main Shot:
Happy New Year!

Dress & Stole: Babs (Sass; Mainstore with 25% off in world)
Hair: Paula (Doux; Level 30th Dec 2019 to 24th Jan 2020)
Shoes: Kate Glitter Heels (Reign)
Pose: Sits VOL1-2 (FoxCity)
Backdrop: ClubBlack (FoxCity)

Close up shot:

Lipstick: Doll Gloss [Natural] - Catwa only (Veechi; Gacha; machine found in-store)
Eyeshadow: Glamour Gloss Eyeshadow - Catwa/Omega (Mila - the 99L$ gift; Level 30th Dec 2019 to 24th Jan 2020)
Nail Polish: Splattered Sparkles (DP - Koffin Nails)


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